Linda Grace Byers

Time & Ease

Christian Inspiration

How is this for a sentence: “We are so quick to get to next, we miss what is here, now.” This observation came from a yoga instructor during class today. Quite simply, I liked it and gave a little chuckle when I heard this truth. Oh yoga, you are teaching me so much. In class today, we held some postures for three and a half minutes. WHAT, would have been my plaintive response not that long ago. HOW, would have been another eyebrow raising inquiry. What I learned today is that in the time allotted to the session, there was…time. Again, I am simplifying and stating what may be obvious to you as you read but is it really something you accept, believe, embrace and want for yourself? Time, to hold a position, feel into the posture and welcome it, maybe even melt into the discomfort until it somehow becomes comfortable? I did some melting today, some letting go of trying. I realized I had been holding onto muscular control via tensing and contraction, a physical manifestation in my life of wanting to be in charge of me at all times. In the melting, I almost wept with relief as I sank wet blanket like into the floor in surrender. Somehow the areas in my body that had been screaming release me, let me go from this uncomfortable position said ahhhh, thank you, we are ok, stay here if you like. It was to God I cried out in the silence, I melt into You. I breathe in now, the remembering, the release of those three and a half minute poses and the gift of time and ease I discovered there. The experience calls me back, come here again and be, with Me. What is here now is a knowing that in this moment, there is something to notice, appreciate, sense. What, Dear Reader, do you know?

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