Linda Grace Byers

Romans 8:28

Christian Inspiration

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Look at this verse Dear Reader! In ALL THINGS, God works for the good of those who love him. This is a crazy awe inspiring truth. Have you experienced this yet Dear One? I have always been kind of curious about this verse, not completely understanding it, until recently. Let us start with the “in all things part”. This means what it says, in all things. Now I don’t know about you, but when I experience horrible circumstances that are beyond my control, that leave me sad, mad, apathetic, feeling violated, I have a difficult time believing that God will work this into the “good” category of my life. How, how will He do it is the question followed closely by, why, why do “things” have to be this way and cause so much pain? When in the throws of human drama, human messiness that causes angst and upheaval, believing this part of the verse can be a challenge. Which is helpful to know since we all have and or will, experience human suffering. We can get caught up in the net of circumstances but the message has many layers that must be attended to in order to sink into our consciousness. The stunning and breath taking core in this message is the GOD WORKS for our good, according to HIS purpose part. What? God works, for us? Little you, little tiny human me? Yes, yes He does Dear One. The Master of the universe, works for our good, according to His plans, His purposes. He is the Orchestrator, the Planner, the Provider, the One that sees all, knows all and creates ways to have all things work for the good…for those who love Him. This is the humbling moment that we must come to in our acknowledging God. We are subjects of this world with all of its lightness and heaviness, its joy and suffering. It is easy to be God free when all is well. It is easy to reject Him when pain presents itself as permanent. It is much harder, to love and trust Him when “all things” seem to dominate our lives and when believing it will work out for the good seems foolish and unrealistic. Here is what I have learned: there are behind the scenes love actions happening all around us, conspiring for our wholeness, our wellness. I have learned that God takes the good, the bad, the ugly and powerfully transforms it all for us, when we love Him and trust that this is the work He willingly does, for little you, for little tiny human me. This verse I finally get, I understand, I have lived. What about you Dear Reader? Do you love Him and believe that “in all things God works” for your good, “according to His purpose.” You have been called, we have been called. This is a mind blowing truth. 

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