Linda Grace Byers


Christian Inspiration

Matthew 16:26 “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” My guess is that believing in the soul as substantial is a requirement for treating it with the respect it is due. What do you believe about the soul Dear Reader? Is it something you are willing to anti up? If your life is a poker game, are you willing to go all in, risk your soul as a stake to be played, winner takes all? Is your soul your sole possession? Does it belong to you? Are you entitled to do what you want with it, when you want? If ownership is 9/10th’s of the law and your soul resides in the body you breathe, move and live in everyday, than perhaps it is fair and safe to say that yes indeed, your soul is all yours, to dispose of or take care of how ever you wish. I am squinting my eyes and seeing that ambition can take me, take you very far in life Dear Reader, in fact, why not? It is my life, it is your life and we get to do as we please with it, don’t we? Get what you can Dear One, because if you don’t someone else will. How does this read to you? Are you in agreement? Its a dog eat dog world and isn’t there a part of you that wants to make sure that your needs are met, satisfied by your own driven and directed hands? Nature is the life force that compels and unchecked, it can and does impel us to act and do and go and get. It is in our very nature as creatures that exist in a material world to behave in ways that ensure our survival and this, we all know, is our number one human need. Then, there is the unmistakable force that says more, I need more than survival, I must thrive, carve a path, cut my own swatch, stand mountain top high and say I concurred on…my…own. Full stop. Then what? More of the same perhaps? Man has always wanted to be God. Man has always resented God, felt irritated in being told that we are beholden, that without Him, we would not be. If you are reading still, what would you like to see on this page? What would satisfy you Dear Reader? How can I end this and make it all pretty for you, clean it up so that it is a nice neatly packaged epiphany inducing experience for you? I can’t, I won’t, I don’t even want to. I tell you this, my soul was bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ on a cross more than two thousand years ago. I can see my hands on a keyboard and it is my spirit that pours out my thoughts and feelings and it is the greatest mystery to me, to be in existence and to have this infinity within me that I call a soul. You get to ponder what you believe about your soul and to whom it belongs, the world or God Almighty? You get to ponder. 

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Linda Grace Byers

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