I heard a great expression recently, “this side of glory”. This makes me feel like heaven is up there, over there, just yonder while we human types are here somewhere looking for THAT. One definition of glory is: the splendour and bliss of heaven. Now this is a googled dictionary definition Dear Reader. This means that long ago, heaven was spoken of as a real place of “splendour and bliss” and that the scholarly amongst us had words to describe what you and I can only imagine. For the scoffing skeptic, believing in heaven and its glorious splendour is mockable and they might say “imagination and reality are two different things, poor naive yet to learn the hard facts dreamer.” What do you say to this, Dear One? What does scripture tell us about heaven? I am thinking of Jesus as He hung on a cross between two condemned crucified criminals…
Luke 23:39-43 One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and us!” But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom!” Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.”
A rose between two thorns, Dear Reader? I find this utterly fascinating and a vibrantly alive depiction of modern day man. Who do you say Jesus is? Do you believe in Him as King? Is He able to grant you, a criminal, a sinner, entrance into His Kingdom? Are you like the mocker, daring to challenge Jesus to perform for you, prove Himself? This Jesus, famous now, famous then…He is known, written and spoken about. He is the redemptive hero and His story is retold every year. Our calendar is marked by His life, death and resurrection. Time stopped and started with Him In The Beginning, and In The End when His Kingdom becomes a reality for those who ask to be remembered by Him.
Back to the crosses…one man was on the wrong side of right. He did not see, he did not hear, he denied Deity in His Presence. Another man was on this side of glory, and that very day, he was promised to be in The Presence of The King in paradise. When Jesus asks you this question of “Who do you say that I am?”, what will your answer be Dear One? Who is He to you?
Luke 23:39-43 One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and us!” But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom!” Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.”
A rose between two thorns, Dear Reader? I find this utterly fascinating and a vibrantly alive depiction of modern day man. Who do you say Jesus is? Do you believe in Him as King? Is He able to grant you, a criminal, a sinner, entrance into His Kingdom? Are you like the mocker, daring to challenge Jesus to perform for you, prove Himself? This Jesus, famous now, famous then…He is known, written and spoken about. He is the redemptive hero and His story is retold every year. Our calendar is marked by His life, death and resurrection. Time stopped and started with Him In The Beginning, and In The End when His Kingdom becomes a reality for those who ask to be remembered by Him.
Back to the crosses…one man was on the wrong side of right. He did not see, he did not hear, he denied Deity in His Presence. Another man was on this side of glory, and that very day, he was promised to be in The Presence of The King in paradise. When Jesus asks you this question of “Who do you say that I am?”, what will your answer be Dear One? Who is He to you?