Linda Grace Byers

The Way

Christian Inspiration

How much more do you want out of life? I know I want more when I search and find, discovering that The Way was paved long ago by many far greater than I am. I say this not to be diminutive, or dismissive of my God given talents and abilities, I say this only as a statement of yet to be’s. If others found the path and I have been looking for it, it is only a matter of time before I make ground, following closely in the shadow of the Masters footsteps until I can walk almost, almost, side by side.  The Secret is not a secret at all, it is the much and well professed Truth. The joy for me in sharing this is that you and I, we need not go far to find the off the beaten path, the already tackled and trodden track. Invisibly, without hearing them or seeing them, others broke branches and ground, saving us from the toil. We need only seek and find, step forward and walk the winding way through the woods.  What is she talking about, you wonder? It is this-I believe, I have faith, I have hope. I know in my heart mind and spirit that life does not have to be hard, challenging, yes, hard, no. Jesus is the path and following in his footsteps means He cut through the brush for me, for you, striking sin and death with a hacking machete, being The Way for the ones He knows cannot make it without Him. Am I dependant on Jesus you ask? Do I really need Him to set me right, chart the course, help me pick my path? I would be damned if I said no, I don’t need Him. I am completely dependant upon Him and I grin, Mona Lisa like, as I type that it is my joy to write this for everyone or no one, except Him of course, to see. I owe Him my everything and because I am confident in this knowing, He supplies me with not only the path, but all of the wisdom of the ages to get every last bit of excitement, peace, harmony, fight, righteousness, ecstatic joy and sheer brilliance out of this amazing gift we call life. Don’t you see, Dear One? You don’t have to do the heavy lifting. You don’t have to try and fail and make it on your own. You don’t have to carve the path, make the way, forge through the forest solo. There are many disciples of Christ, historical and also the living and breathing professing faith Jesus lovers that can show you to The Way by example. This is how we learn, Dear One, by example. If you haven’t good examples in your life, isn’t it time you find some today? I am on the path to greatness because I am created and crafted in His imagine. It is my burning desire to honour He who made me, for His glory and for the souls that have yet to meet Him and fall fast in love. Join us, the many who have gone before, the ones who walk the path now and the ones yet to say yes to The Giver of life. You are forever, at least whilst you have breath, welcome to accept His invitation to eternity. 

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