Linda Grace Byers


Christian Inspiration

Scribe has several meanings: 1 (historical) a person who copies out documents, especially one employed to do this before printing was invented; (informal, humorous) a writer, especially a journalist. 2 (historical) a Jewish record keeper or, later, a professional theologian and jurist. 3 a pointed instrument used for making marks on wood, bricks, etc., to guide a saw or in sign-writing. I am toying with these meanings and wanting to conglomerate them, pull them all together to help define Gods people, the ones that He chose to write and or deliver His message. Can you do this with me Dear Reader, using what we have above to design a picture of you and me as scribes for The Author of Life? Lets start with the raw materials, shall we? There is a message board that needs inventing, a way for the sign-writing to be displayed. I am delighted with the idea of you, and me, as walking sandwich boards! Picture it, what would you have written on the front of you, what would you want passersby to read? Once they have read the front, do the people who have read your sign have interest in knowing more, will they turn to read the back of your sandwich sign? What message will they find there if they do decide to check you out? This is a tough one, isn’t it Dear Reader? What you have chosen to write on the front and the back of you is who people will see you as…this is a statement about your deepest beliefs, a reflection on your inner workings, a commitment to who you think and ultimately say you are. Setting this aside for a moment, lets pull from 2, the second definition above. We see that a scribe is a record keeper that later becomes a professional theologian and jurist (jurist is defined as an expert in or writer on law); a lawyer or a judge. How does one become a professional theologian or jurist by scribing, you ask? Quite simply, they are copying Gods laws, they are writing, journaling His message (to pull from definition 1 from above) and in so doing, become experts after much copying and studying. I want to be an expert too, how about you? Lets return to you as walking sandwich board. Where do you plan on getting your message Dear One? From whom will you retrieve the wisdom that says who you are to the world, what your beliefs are, what is important to you? You can be Gods scribe, in fact, His word is written upon your heart 2 Corinthians 3:2 You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. You already ARE a walking billboard-what message have you chosen for all to see and read? May I suggest that if you do not know what message you want to display, you go now to His word and find it there? You are His, He has a message for you-go find it and become one of His living breathing walking Word messengers. 

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