Linda Grace Byers

Allow Me to Clarify

Christian Inspiration

How often have you found yourself befuddled? Befuddled is an old fashioned word meaning: “cause to become unable to think clearly.” I had some intense time in befuddlement this week and it gave way to clarity. Before I tell you about the clarity, I must share the messy pick my way through the broken glass pathway I had to take to get there. I am studying Graphoanalysis and while reading the Level 1 text book, I learned that with my personality, energy and liking of variety, it is easy for me to move from interest to interest, especially if one of my interests becomes conflicted or challenging. This gave me great pause. In this acknowledgement of my inclination, I had to grasp hold of a truth and a correctable character flaw. The old adage when the going gets tough, the tough get going came to me and I had to stop and listen, to a voice that said, “Finish the work I started in you.” Like a butterfly landing lightly and ever so swiftly flitting away in search of something else to barely land upon, I have been flitting and flying solo from one pretty leaf and flower to another. In the butterfly metaphor, there is appreciation for new experiences and delights. In human terms, this means I enjoy different personalities, scenes and stimulation of the senses-I am clearly not a butterfly and yet I can appreciate the flirtatiousness of the flitting. One of my friends often quotes “Strength in excess becomes weakness” and I have had to pause and ponder, knowing there is a lesson in there for me. Here is what I have learned and perhaps you can relate? Learning is great but there is a time to throw the learning down and start to build upon it, make use of the knowledge and have it be of service to the world or at least, the circle of influence we each have in our own spheres. It is a from me to we theme that serving hearts are called to. There is no point in learning if none of it is shared, in fact it is in the sharing that we learn more about ourselves, other and the Godly purpose we are called to. Allow me to clarify at this point: James 2:18 “Now someone may argue, “Some people have faith; others have good deeds.” But I say, “How can you show me your faith if you don’t have good deeds? I will show you my faith by my good deeds.” Learning and words without action are nothing Dear Reader. God has asked each of us to freely accept His tasks for us, His challenges, His calling on our hearts and sometimes we get befuddled, distracted by ourselves! Funny that, how we can get self absorbed for a time, until we wander solo, cutting our feet on the shattered glass of weak or undeveloped character. In befuddlement, we can pause and ask for clarity. God is always clear and will help sweep away whatever impedes the path. Feeling befuddled Dear One? Ask for The Great Definer to redefine you, it works every time.  

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