Linda Grace Byers

Permissiveness Pervades

Christian Inspiration

When was the last time you were hungry? Look down at your mid section, you know, that extra part of you that somehow seems alien, like it doesn’t belong to you but goes everywhere you do. Difficult to accept, is it not? Our food consumption leaves us never hungry but always wanting as we abuse our eating privileges. Are your clothes getting tight Dear One, from excess? Is the skin you are in getting uncomfortable as you read this, wanting the topic to go away, leave you alone because after all, you already feel badly enough and don’t need one more reminder of what you have become. You read that last line correctly Dear Reader. Look at yourself. You have become whatever it is you do to your body. Your soul has gone along for the ride, dragged while kicking and screaming, “no, don’t take me into the darkness of unconscious, unaccountable, depraved over-indulgence land.” You do know that if you are currently over weight, unfit, and out of shape (meaning your proportions have taken on unbecoming and unnatural dimensions) that this will continue with your consent if unchecked? You will get larger and with every inch you add to your body, you will lose a part of yourself in the form of self esteem, self respect, self appreciation and love. Weight gain is insidious and so is its sidekick, self loathing. What comes along for this ride is what the heck, it’s too late, and I might as well plus who cares anyway? Who cares anyway? I do for one, about you, but this is a moot point because the only person who matters in this exchange is YOU. You need to care for you. That soul of yours was designed to be clothed in brilliant white, not dragged through the filth and mud, dirtied by the careless occupant of the body it resides in. I appreciate the word BEWARE, be aware is the message. Take heed, notice, pay attention-are you paying attention to who and what you are becoming Dear One, are you? Proverbs 23:21″…for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.” So maybe you over drink, over eat and are not poor Dear One, but are you drowsy, is your spirit asleep? Have you taken your soul and thrown it into the pigs pen of privation? 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your body.” This is a hard hitting piece of writing and it came from my acknowledgment of my own sin, my own permissiveness to indulgences of appetite that have been prevailing. We are all subject to sin and our bodies cravings for immediate satisfaction but who cares? So what? WE get to choose! WE decide when what where and how if we have been so blessed. This means you and I can choose to honour God with all of ourselves, from this moment forward-how very exciting is this truth Dear One? Fret not, you are wonderfully made, wide awake and ready to live fully by taking control like never before. Confess your sin, ask for forgiveness, guidance and strength and God will do the rest. AMEN and have fun as your spirit is set free and soaring, lighter than ever before. 

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