Linda Grace Byers

You’re Wrong

Christian Inspiration

I overheard my son’s girlfriend trying to convince him that he was wrong. He was objecting to what she was saying and this was her response “It’s cuz you’re wrong and you’re not used to being wrong”. This made me laugh. Earlier, she asked me if my t-shirt was on inside out and my immediate response was no, followed by my looking down and seeing telltale seams that whispered to me, “She is right. Why didn’t you check before you answered her query?” Our sweet darling of a girl is a wonderful addition to a family that is on the impatient side, quick to think, speak, do without the benefit of careful and measured observance. While she is quick to observe, we are quick to have an opinion and with stubborn tenacity, cling to being right when the facts point toward considering the possibility of being wrong. I grin as I write this, knowing that it is wise, prudent, to slow down from time to time so that what is said comes from being informed and is not a knee jerk or verbalized reaction to circumstance or situation. Questioning ourselves can lead to more self awareness and a keener sense of how we interact with the world and the creatures we share space and time with. My t-shirt was inside out and I didn’t know it until someone took the time to ask me…lesson learned. The question at this point is: how teachable are you Dear Reader? Is it a personal affront to your well-being when told you may be wrong? What about the facts, the truth, do these factor in when you respond and or make choices? Take a close look, what do you base your opinions and actions on? Are you impetuous, impatient? Is the truth malleable for you or is it a concrete, measurable, elemental foundation that you build your life upon? If you don’t take a look, you will never know. Your whole life can be put on inside out-without you seeing this, you may very well believe nothing is amiss while you sport that unobserved, unaware existence. Are you pointing at me now Dear One? What about me and my life? I tell you you are not alone as we search and find Truth, separately and than together. A thirst for the real thing is only satisfied when the quest is genuine, fuelled by a willingness to be redirected when thrown off course. I took off my t-shirt, turned it right side out and put it back on. Now you, is anything in your life inside out, backward, upside down? You can’t tell you say? Go ask someone gifted with the skill of observance and ask them-they will help straighten you out. 

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