Do you know someone that you love a whole lot and yet, they have what I call the ich attached to them? It is a little or big something that comes along for the ride, a little friend that creeps out of them that is unappealing, distracting and unwelcome? It could be an attitude, a mood, a disconcerting disposition or worse yet, a habit that interferes with relationship. How easy is it to come up with a person in your life and say YES, I know someone just like that and blah, it is so yucky and annoying to be in their company, even though most of the time, I really like and love them! It is a relatable experience, isn’t it? I made a joke this morning while talking to a close friend saying “you are welcome but your little friend is NOT INVITED!”. Are you stewing now Dear Reader, thinking about those people who have bugged the heck out of you? The ones who are pleasant at first and after a while, you have learned that you must anticipate the creepy side appearing? You know who I am talking about, the ones who can clear a room quickly with people disappearing lightning fast from their toxic presence. Or the ones you are grieving over because they feel lost to you…the ones you would love to pull close with no gaps or barriers between you. Communicating is an art form. It is an ability that requires conscientious and continuous study and effort for refinement. If indeed, mastery is the equivalent of 10 000 hours of practice, we are required to invest this amount of time to become good at loving one another enough to share when we are being repelled and repulsed by those that we like and love. Loving the person may mean pointing out that something they are saying and doing is not okay and that it drives you away. If and when they do not heed by adjusting or changing the way they are, you may find that your only choice is to purposefully remove yourself from them until change happens or alternatively, permanently. This leads us here to us, Dear One. You know you and I are not off the hook, right? We too have travelling companions, ich attached to us that creeps out in the many forms that yucky stuff is want to do, oozing out of our attitudes and dispositions, our attachments to being right and moody or even addicted to our own ways of being. This means we have to figure ourselves out first before we make a stand in relationship and confront another. What is not invited into your disposition, your way of viewing life and the world? What is intolerable in your life no matter what the source, whether it be in you or another? You get to figure this stuff out and usher in exactly what you do want. You can’t figure out what that is when you are dealing with unwelcome guests who need to be told to go. Sure I speak in metaphor-you are wise and will figure out your next move. In the mean time go get a shower and wash the ich off of you so that you can be shiny and bright as an example for others. Get crystal clear and speak from there to the ones you like and love.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a