Linda Grace Byers

Choosing Sides

Christian Inspiration

You can tell a lot about a person by the way they dress, how they adorn themselves, the shape of their body. You can also tell a lot about a person by where they go, how they spend their time, and with whom. Words and action become informative, when we are observant. When a person speaks, or doesn’t speak, they are saying something. The expression you can tell is interesting and sounds country old fashion. I can hear it in my head, like an echo from the not so distant past. Some Saturday mornings my husband and I watch a western series called The Rifleman. The hero of the show is a fine upstanding moral man and his quick character assessments of the bad guys that come on the scene are interesting to witness. He watches the ne’er-do-wells with alert eyes that let the viewer know he senses danger, that he discerns trouble is brewing. When confronted by bad guys he is quick to let them know that he is aware of what they are up to and that he won’t be preyed upon, nor will he tolerate the mistreatment of innocent people. The good vs evil theme is prevalent in each episode and the show can be counted on for right winning over might every time. Considering the current state of worldly affairs, it seems the battle rages on and is being lost, does it not Dear Reader? The bad is turning to worse daily and who can fight against the evil army that marches forward seemingly unstoppably, trampling the innocent under foot? Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” If you know your bible, you know that the forces of good and evil are in constant combat and the booty is human souls. Read the last sentence several times and allow the last couple of words to settle into your psyche-the booty is human souls, that is you, that is me. How is your discernment Dear One? Are you alerted, alarmed, watchful and sensing danger, like the Rifleman? While the world shakes its head in saddened disbelief with each vile and violent attack on unprotected and vulnerable citizens, saying this must stop and we need world peace, we know differently, don’t we? The prince of darkness, he has his foot soldiers and many have chosen the work he has demanded of them. He knows his prey and he has his winning ways and with a yes, they do his vile murderous bidding. There is the other side, waiting, watching, tolerating out of mercy because souls hang in the balance and more will come to know Christ before God says ENOUGH. He is patient and let us not forget, He is just. People want judgement. They say they don’t and yet, they do. Murders must be caught, tried, judged and prosecuted. Now let us turn our gaze to you. What will save you from judgement and prosecution? Sin is sin and natural law is just with consequences for our actions whether we like it or not, whether we think it fair, or not. THIS is why we need a Saviour, someone who paid the price for us. The battle for your soul rages on. Which side do you choose?

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Linda Grace Byers

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