Linda Grace Byers

Jesus Not a Choice

Christian Inspiration

I am sporting a lopsided grin as I consider what I’m about to write. The world over has heard of Jesus. His name is on the tongues of many. Some say His name as though it were “as honey dripping from the lips” and many use His name in uttered blasphemy, as a curse. Few can deny the controversy that follows in the wake of His presence entering conversation, as though He is in the room, listening. There is fervency in loving Him and equal and embittered rejection of Him and some misguided gals and guys attempt to blend Him in, in an unholy mix of wannabe gods. The prevalent suggestion is that there are many ways to God, that a loving God would never leave out a one. I laugh at this because of the inherent idealism embedded in the concept of inclusion. We humans exclude one another continually. Walk down the street or through the mall and experience the many opportunities to be rejected by passers by. Count the people you cross paths with and then count how many look you in the eye, say hello, smile. Now let’s not make the mistake here of comparing God to mere humans. This is the error that humanists make, those who dare to judge God and suggest that He has no right to pick and choose who does and who does not make it to eternity. I will add here that if God were passing me, passing you by Dear One, He would definitely say hello! Now back to Jesus. The Jesus of the bible is knowable and He is not one option, one choice out of many gods. His death on a cross would not could not be of value if all roads lead to heaven. He is not a God, He is God. All suggestions of worshiping anyone other than Christ is fraudulent and repulsive to God, an indulgent lie that makes allowance for idol worship. To know Christ is to know the Father. Believing in Him is the only ticket to heaven. Separation from one another and from God Almighty will happen for those who deny Jesus born of the Virgin Mary, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus on the cross, Jesus Resurrected and Jesus walking by your side. God wants none to be lost AND He is clear that Jesus is The Way, The Truth and The Life. Simple and clear, Jesus is The One and Only. 

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