Linda Grace Byers

Pitching Your Tent

Christian Inspiration

In which direction are you pitching your tent? I take this idea from a Bible story about a character named Lot. He lived close to a very appealing city that had all the amenities a man could want. Lot pitched his tent so that when he got up in the morning, the city was in view. Eventually, Lot moved to the city he longed to experience and he took his family along with him. The city was gorgeous with beautiful homes, gardens and people. Think of your favourite modern day city and what it has to offer in the form of entertainment and how much you enjoy that city. That was how Lot felt, until he lived there. Have you heard or read the term, vexation to the spirit, Dear Reader? I have been vexed in my spirit. I have felt the sandpaper abrasions that result from my soul being scrubbed vigorously as I look around me. How about you? Back to Lot. Lot was a decent man, a man of God. He had longed to live in the city and found himself there and while there, he saw and heard how others lived and it was grievous to him. I will not describe what he saw, what he was exposed to because you can find the story yourself Dear Reader, if you so choose. I write about this now because of the comparisons, the then and now of Lots circumstances and ours. The self righteous and indulgent me first mentality that abounds and is being encouraged and congratulated. The price the innocent pay by being exposed to the vileness of narcissistic man…the I can say, do, think and be anything I want and who is going to stop me way of rampaging through life is prevalently prolific. And God watches and waits because He is merciful and has promised faithfulness, not wanting any to be lost. Where have you pitched your tent Dear Reader? What is the first thing you see, think of, want when your eyes open to a new day? The sky is filled with darkened clouds as rain is released and it reminds me of another Biblical story, perhaps you know of it, Noah and his ark? Thunder rattles ominously and no man can stop it, control it, make it go away…no matter where you pitch your tent, your days are numbered, your fate is sealed and God decides whether or not you get another tomorrow. Today is the day the Lord made, why not Thank Him for it if you haven’t yet, and perhaps change your lot in life?

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