Have you heard the expression “Look down your nose” at somebody/something? I spoke to a man today and he had that posture as he expressed his distain for the majority of the population. He had much to say about what people are doing wrongly and I became fascinated and aware that as he spoke, his chin was elevated as he looked down his nose! This was a first for me and as I sat (he was standing) and listened to him enumerating his criticisms of the human race I realized that his list was rather long, well rehearsed and seemingly entrenched. To put it plainly, he is better than the majority of people he encounters and has believed this for quite some time. At first, I was inclined to look for some meaning in what he was saying, a point where we could meet. I tried several times to soften what he had to say and this changed nothing as he would return to his point of view by saying things like “as I was saying”. I came to a quick conclusion and decision. I didn’t like what I was hearing. I asked him what he was doing to help people, to be a role model? Was he volunteering his time? I told him he had a critical judgemental voice and this caused a blush and some stumbling on his part. Why am I telling you this, you ask? I think it is because we have all been judgemental at one point or another in our lives, haven’t we Dear Reader? I know I have. Being critical of others is a sign that there is an emotional edge that needs smoothing out. It is a point of agitation and an opportunity to look at ourselves and what we could work on to be better human beings. I have in my life many people who stop me in my tracks when the voice of judgement takes over my vocal chords. I am grateful for the redirection because I can’t always hear myself and I don’t always recognize what my impact is, especially when I am emotionally charged and upset. I rely on others to be honest with me, letting me know that I am being nasty and perhaps asking me if something is bothering me and do I need to talk about it? Maybe the man I spoke to just didn’t realize what his impact is and maybe no one has ever told him? I don’t know. What I do know is that I do not want to be a part of denigrating the human race because we are all created in the image of God. Who am I to criticize Gods handiwork? Looking in the mirror can quickly cause stoppage to verbal rampages. Our faces change when we critize, becoming less attractive when looking down our noses at others. They can see up the nostrils…not always the prettiest of views.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a