Linda Grace Byers

Remember This

Christian Inspiration

“Remember this-your outward behaviour is the truth, whereas your inner perception of your behaviour is often an illusion”. This is a quote from The Power of Focus by authors Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Les Hewitt. In simpler terms, you are your behaviours. This is a painful truth when we take into account how we occupy ourselves in a day, a week, a year and so on. Lets do a quick inventory for the sake of clarity. Are you lazy, messy, disorganized, dishevelled? Are you hard working, neat, orderly, groomed? Are you overweight, unfit, a junk food eater and smoker? Are you a healthy eater, responsible drinker, regular exerciser? Can people count on you, trust you, believe you? Does this feel like an inquisition? You are not alone Dear Reader because I have asked myself these questions and the answers have me looking at my behaviours and my perceptions of the behaviours. Recently, I challenged myself to a new outlook. I heard long ago, work smart, not hard. I liked the IDEA of this and yet, the concept is faulty in many ways or at least, it has been in my life. When I look closely at the concept, I see that efficiency may be the measure of smartness sought after and not an ease of living that I adapted myself to. Hard work is the hallmark of success. Hard work speaks to the dedication, the all in, the turn it up (of volume and intensity) of whatever you are in, be it your home, the gym, your office, wherever it is life takes you. Are you paying attention to what you do with your time, with your existence Dear Reader? We can betray ourselves and feel the sting by saying one thing and doing another. “Behaviour is the truth.” This simple statement speaks volumes and has us look at ourselves, if we have the courage that is. How hard are you willing to work to have what it is you say you want? Before answering this question, answer this: what do you want? The behaviours must match the quest. You CAN have what your heart desires and your outward behaviours will pave the way. Consider yourself challenged. 

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