Linda Grace Byers

Some Kind of Outstanding

Christian Inspiration

I have seen despair turn into delight. I know the sound of hopelessness in a cracking voice and have listened to conversion into singsong gladness. I have witnessed  paralyzing fear transformed into boldness. I have watched tears fall from sorrowful eyes and the same eyes glisten with wonder. Broken to mended, hurt to heart full. It’s all some kind of outstanding. Today, I felt and knew again in my heart of hearts, this: “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28 NLT. The sheer joy of knowing this, believing this, faithfully holding on to this one verse and then, and THEN, seeing Gods love in action is some kind of crazy ether filled to overflowing cup of cosmic outstandingness. Pain transcended and transformed into joy indescribable is a wonder to witness and it is everywhere. Look for it, believe and you will indeed, find the Good God wants for you. 

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