At times I feel as though my writing is of an anticipatory nature. I will listen to, read or watch a person, a book, a show and get intuitive hits, ideas that precede the conclusions that are reached in the watching and listening. Cool. Now what am I tapping into is the question? Is this some unique ability that is all mine and to which I have cornered the market? Hell no, you have this ability too. Look at the word anticipatory, it is in the dictionary which means this informative gift has been around and accessible for longer than our history or existence in this world. You can tap in if you care to, if you dare to. How, you ask? Lets start at the end and work backward to the beginning. Nothing is personal and all things are about circumstance. There is a state of detachment that can make you and me aware of factual conditions and give us clarity about what we need to do to go into the fray or extricate ourselves from it. An on/off so to speak, switch of coldness. I must at this point, go into an example. When I see violence, it sickens me, especially when the vulnerable are brutalized. I need not go into description, you too have seen what I hint at and have had a visceral response (or so I assume). Next comes my sorrow at being unable to have stopped said violation of the innocent, which makes me feel helpless and hopeless, neutered from actively protecting those in jeopardy. These emotions are fleeting for me and they turn into something else, quite rapidly. To be specific, I experience anger mixed with the desire to avenge the innocent, seek and secure justice, fight back. This emotional up ramp is disconcerting to say the least, because I could not prevent what I saw and am in no position to fight the battles of the victims already injured, at least, not in this unstable state of reactionary upheaval. Cold must come over me, with calculated clarity. In order for justice to be served, I must secure calm which will allow me the thinking space to make informed decisions. The heart informs me of the painful circumstances and my head, it acts as the master of all further ceremonies. It is not about me is the message and what will I do about it is the question? Backtracking our way from where we are to where we started in any emotionally charged scenario can be a great retrieval system, helping us understand ourselves and what motivates us to action. Meaning this can help us anticipate outcomes once we permit the emotions to be bathed in sanitizer. I do not mean to be cryptic, I mean to be clear. You WILL develop clarity once you stop taking everything personally. As the saying goes, its not all about you. Feel, understand your feelings, then act. Clinical, yes. Effective, definitely. Justice can be served and someone must have a clear head, anticipating the worst and or best and acting from this knowledge. It may very well be you.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a