Linda Grace Byers


Christian Inspiration

How do you know that you know when someone loves you?  I know because actions speak louder than words. I measure my feelings against history. Repeated exposure to people gives you a great idea of their character, what they are capable of, what they really think. Initially, I have a reaction, an instant feeling that I am either attracted to, or repelled by, individuals. Ambivalence is generally a sign for me of complete disinterest in a person. I started writing about knowing love. At this point, I am looking at the genesis of love, its beginning point, the knowing when you are in the company of your kindred. The draw for me is natural, unwavering, magnetic and undeniable. All of my greatest relationships started with this drawing near to the other, this inexplicably impossible to ignore urge to be with them, enjoy their company, soak them up somehow because I feel joyful with them. There is something else. It is edification. This is the moral, intellectual instruction or improvement of me, when I am with them. After the soul brushing, I walk away refreshed and new and I see myself through their eyes. This is the gift of being with a kindred. They see my halo and as I walk away, it glows. I am fortified, ready to do battle as a warrior for the good fight. You too, have your kindred. Look around you Dear Reader, who is ready, willing and able to love you into your own strength? 
One Life, One Love. 

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Linda Grace Byers

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