Linda Grace Byers

Marketing Manager

Christian Inspiration

It’s funny how available help is when asked for. There is free expert advise everywhere I turn, with gurus offering to do for me and for you what they have done for themselves. The offer goes something like this: Allow me to guide you, lead you around those pitfalls and take you to the Success Mountain top on the express train. Let me help you make money. There is a sneaky undertow message…I will also help you spend what you have or borrow to pay me. A small price to pay-you give a little and you get a lot. I am compiling my writing for book publishing. Formatting it for readability. Best selling authors are keen to sell me their success programs and for a limited time, they are willing to discount what they pawn off.

Squinting my eyes, I see. What if my marketing manager is God Almighty? What if my book is for His glory? What if the message is from Him to His people, His kids? What if the message is you are mine, you are precious and I love you. Child, I want you to feel and know my love. My book will be in the hands of many or by human standards, the hands of very few. It will be read by those for whom He has a very personal message and they will know that His love is immeasurable. Romans 8:38-39 “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. ” God as editor, publisher, marketing manager, Divine Leader to Mount Zion. I get to trust Gods plan and blueprint for success by His standards. Sweet.

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Linda Grace Byers

Sexual Sin

Sexual Sin and Perversion   After reading Dr, Neil Anderson’s book Released From Bondage; I have more understanding of the depths of the devils dirtiness.

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