Have you ever had a bleeding heart? You are not reading about body mechanics, that is not what I am referencing. It is the soulful rupture of a wounded heart that threatens soundness, threatens to steal permanently peace from life, from the soul. What if your heart is hurt and you cry out help, someone anyone, help me, only to have your words muffled, mouth covered by a rough and callused hand? What if no one hears you and if they do, they do nothing, covering their ears, not wanting to hear so that they can block out your desperate pleas? I am not speaking about my life, Dear Reader. Have no concern for me. I live a gilded and privileged lap top and big house existence. In fact from the convenience and comfort of my home, I can read about brokenness, violence against the vulnerable, the poor. Thankfully, my heart is capable of feeling, bleeding for others. I say this not to illicit praise or admiration. I write this feeling genuine gratitude, because my fear is that I would be some kind of monster if the suffering of others was simply a fact that I accept as tolerable. The number one human need that we all must have met in order to ever survive and thrive in this life is safety. Without this, water, food, clothing and shelter are worthless. They can be provided and, in a violent and unsafe environment, easily stolen and taken away-you know, the old survival of the fittest adage. Where does this leave women and children? Widows and orphans? I have heard many people say that they follow the ten commandments, that they are good people. They harm no one and break no laws. I am glad to know this and where I live, it is much appreciated because I get to go to and fro, nary a thought for my well being, my safety. No one comes to my house and steals from my fridge, takes my clothes or car and no one enters my bedroom to violate my body. I am protected. This is a call to hearts willing to take action. James 1:27 “Religion that our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Being a good person is not enough, it is too easy. What if you have all that you have so that you can give all that you’ve got? What worth are you as a human being if all your care is invested in self? Forgive me, I am waking from my own trance, my own happy ever after and with it comes shame. Listen now, quiet yourself. Can you hear them? The broken bleeding hearts crying for help, someone anyone, please help?
What will you do?