Linda Grace Byers

Christian Inspiration

Welcome to communicable diseases (said in a rich deep vibrant DJ voice). This is the recorded greeting for the immunization health unit. This message cracked me up. I giggled and or full on laughed at the thought of it and while repeating the message to others throughout the day. A communicable disease is clearly something to be avoided. Being welcome to it was plain old ridiculously hilarious! When choosing who to speak to, a recorded request is made of the listener that goes something like this “if you have a fever or flu like symptoms, do not come to the clinic”. This message delighted me as much as the first one! I’m inclined to spin this into a super cool metaphor, come with me. What if the communicable disease is dis ease, agitation, anger, dissatisfaction, selfishness, bitterness, self pity, entitlement, envy, self indulgence, me first? These are real health threats. Corrosive and sometimes contagious. These are emotional contagions. Why would you or I want to be exposed to these toxins? What is the impact when we are? I for one feel sick afterward and like any illness, the symptoms take a while to dispel. They linger far longer than the actual exposure experience took in the first place. Doctors and nurses are called to the aid of the ill. They have healing hearts and hands. They expose themselves to real and deadly disease for the sake of others. Those who request their help for healing are given the gift of health aid. This said, they have a call to duty, to protect the general public from “communicating” illness by refraining from exposing others when they are already very sick.  What about you and I Dear Reader? What is our responsibility in the spread of dis ease or perhaps, more enticing than this, the spread of wellness? What is our call to duty? What you have is indeed, contagious. The question is, what is it and do I want some? What if your recorded answering machine message went something like this: Welcome to communicable diseases. If you are prone to delighting in dancing eyes, witty banter and hilarious can’t stop laughing until your face and stomach muscles hurt experiences, please join us immediately! All sour puss complainers please press the number 6 followed by 66 on your phone and you will be connected with…

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Linda Grace Byers

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