So its like this. You need to have priorities, a set of values. You know, a code of ethics with a moral compass attached to that plan of yours. What is she talking about, you wonder? It is the go nowhere fast or get to where you want to go theme of this life we live. The question in the current queue is do you have a life plan? What about priorities, what are your priorities? In this series of questions I ask you, what is most important and valuable to you? Ethically, morally, where do you sit, stand, walk, run? Lets simplify, shall we? Pick three areas in your life that you consider the most important, the most worthy of your time and attention. I will list mine while you ponder. Family, God, Work (with friendship coming in a close second with work, depending on my schedule). What is on your list of three? Now that we have our lists, lets take a second to prioritize them. My areas of life reorder with the directive question of priority and the list becomes 1. God 2. Family 3. Work. What does yours look like? Did it change? Stay the same? No matter, these areas may very well shift and change over your lifetime, depending on circumstance and attention span. I would like to say that I am always focused with my priorities leading me through my day but alas, I must confess this is not so. Which brings me to the term I heard yesterday from a friend who heard it from someone else who picked it up from another. You know how these things go, good ideas get shared and I am the happy recipient of the concept and term, the devil’s vortex. Sometimes, I am utterly priority less, I mean devoid of purpose and scattered without direction. Ever feel this way Dear Reader? If you too feel the regret of time spend uselessly, the devils vortex is a fabulous concept to utilize. Once you have established what your top three best uses of time are, the devils vortex becomes the dumping ground for all nonsense that annihilates your most precious commodity, time. Now this exercise in none futility requires your immediate attention. ATTENTION. Your task is to be self aware, to question your own choices. While doing, ask yourself, which category does what I am doing fall into? If whatever it is you are occupying yourself with does not fall into your top three established priorities, then it goes into the vortex. Refocus now, we are almost there. You have an opportunity staring you in the face right here, right now. Its called life. Lets face it, you wouldn’t be reading this still if you did not long for a call to attention, a call to awareness about you. You are worthy. You have an offering. You get to choose to share your gifts and talents or conversely, to horde and hide them. You also get to choose what gets and holds your attention. Where you spend your time will determine if you stay where you are or get to where you want to go. Perhaps you have heard the expression “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop”. Give back to the devil what belongs to him and you, yes you, go claim that amazing life that is your Divinely intended destiny.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a