This little story made me laugh heartily with the ridiculousness of the mental picture of a solo assault ant attempting to strangle an elephant. A family friend told us this joke during a dinner party and it has remained with me for countless years. Yesterday, while listening to one of my favourite preachers, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, I laughed at his attitudinal quick wittedness. Stay with me here, I will make a connection. One of the most commonly heard criticisms and excuses for not believing in God is His allowance for suffering in this world. Its the old “if I were God, I would do this or that”, blah blah blah. Vernon’s question and response to those who don’t like Gods performance and feel confident enough to verbalize complaints is “What are you going to do about it?”. Dear Reader, You and I, we are the ants. I shake my head in disbelief at our arrogance. Think of the ant, searching to find food that he will eat but has not made. He looks for building materials to place on and in his shelter, finding these too, conveniently located for his retrieval and usage. None of it his, all of it borrowed from here, over there, everywhere. God as the powerful Elephant in this metaphor can place His heavy cosmic foot wherever and whenever He pleases, right on your little ant hill castle. Do you, do I, dare to arrogantly suggest that The Ruler of the Universe do anything other than exactly what He is currently doing? Are you a would be God assassin, with your turned up nose and slanderous words, challenging His might and right to do as He pleases? Little fellow ant, you are nothing and no-one without Him. Your castle is build based on His provision. Strangle Him? Not a chance!
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a