What if all that we see is too bright, too dark. The harsh light of our own vision, the way we see or don’t see the world, brightness and shadow blinding us to the subtlety of ambience. Settle your heart and mind on a sunrise. The first hints of light stretch cat like across the earth, gentle fingers of light reaching toward you, awakening you for the day. Now close your eyes, feel the light and warmth. The sweet caress of the sun, heightening your senses. This slow and sumptuous filling up with Light is incomparable and Glory laden, awe inspired. The sun, it worships the Creator and the created cannot help but be struck, stunned into appreciation when witnessing the rising. Which brings me to you, to me. Each day is a new dawn, a rising. God is Ambient Light, He is subtle sparkling dust in the Rays. What if our eyes adjusted to His Light, His ways? What if we use our sight in the searching for the mystery that resides in faith? Miracles sparkle and shimmer in Ambient Light and when we train our eyes, we can’t help but see The Source of all that brightens in a darkening world. May your eyes see that which only the Spirit can enlighten.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a