Linda Grace Byers


Christian Inspiration

Last night my husband and I were watching Donald Trump while listening to his rhetoric. I was astounded when my husband used the word abomination to describe the Donald. The definition of abomination is: a thing that causes disgust or loathing; a feeling of hatred. We have watched dumbfounded as this man speaks endlessly, circularly in front of audiences who seem to want him redeemed. They are polite and deliver platitudes, nodding with mindless grins in strange agreement to what senselessly seems to pour fluidly from this mans trout mouth. I shake my head not able to comprehend what is going on? Blind deaf and dumb (not the muted kind), it would appear that Trump lovers can be well educated and completely situationally unaware. He is, as the word so aptly describes him, an abomination. While I must confess that Trump repulses me, it is the potential voters for this man that scare the bejeezus out of me. What in the name of God are they considering? What could possibly move someone to vote for a man who aggressively attacks in pure paranoia anyone who ever so slightly challenges his statements? He is right when he says he is not a politician. Suddenly, he is giving politicians a good name-how does THAT happen? Back to the voters now. If Donald is an abomination, what does this make the people who support him, agree with him, follow him blindfolded right into a massive wall of divisiveness? He is a caricature of a man and left to his own devices, in his insular world, he can only harm those who do business with him, whether they be family or otherwise. In the world, he is someone who inspires loathing, disgust, feelings of hatred. Is he truly representative of hundreds, even thousands of Americans, as he so proudly claims and evidenced by the cheering laughing crowds that sit transfixed when he endlessly verbally vomits? An abomination is an offence to God. Lets see Donald as he is, shall we? He is self worshipping and those that follow him have made him their idol. It appals the senses of the sensible, the Godly. James 4:6 “But he gives us even more grace to stand against such evil desires. As the Scriptures say, “God opposes the proud but favours the humble.” God is in control and we are subject to his natural laws, including reaping what we sow. I pray that in this situation, the awake and aware speak up and loudly declare this man NOT the president of the United States. Now that would be a blessing on America.

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