Linda Grace Byers

Whisper to a Scream

Christian Inspiration

Wooing and finessing. What works for you? Does the silky smooth sweetness of wooing win you over? How about the subtly of finesse? Think of a knowing grin, a second or two of intense eye gazing, a bashful look away with a return glance and a lowering of long eyelashes into a slow blink. No words spoken, much said. Exactly what did you hear in your head, imagine as you read? Whisper to a scream…these are the words I hear. The message is subtle and yet screams notice, take notice. Pay attention because more goes on behind the eyes you gaze into than simple superficiality. I am speaking of the study of nuance, the language of subtext. Reading between the lines is a lost art form and belongs somewhere in the movies of all places. Hit or miss is a game I would like to invent that we can all play and get really great at. Here is how you get to play. During the day, you have multiple chances, opportunities to interact with people, we all do. Whether in person, on the phone or via Internet, interactions happen, so you can play this game too, even if you are house bound, so long as you connect with someone, anyone will do. Now, your goal is to decide, without judging yourself, whether or not your interaction(s) are a hit or a miss. Here is a scenario: you are promised a great plan for your new phone, reassured that the plan will work the way the sales person has suggested, only to discover the next day that you were misinformed. The hit or miss game started the moment you entered into conversation with the sales person and it is a hit if and when, both parties leave feeling heard, understood and satisfied with the exchange, perhaps you tell jokes and smile when saying goodbye and thank you. That’s a hit, target was kept in sight and dart landed dead centre. The next day, when you discover that the arrangement was a miss, you change your focus on correction of the miss in the agreement and the target is now two fold, change agreement and attack the sales rep! Miss and No, no, no, let’s refocus here, correct agreement if possible and understand misunderstanding while engaging, playing, laughing with sales rep or in this case, available sales manager. Where is the target, what am I speaking about, where are we going with this scenario? What is the end goal? I sure hope we are together here, what is our end goal, what is YOUR end goal? I pause, wait, anticipate and hope…wooing you, finessing the answer from your deepest desires. The game of hit and miss, it’s about you, me, in relationship with each other, ourselves, the world at large. No one wins this game unless the target is clear, that we see, hear, notice the whispers and the screams and care enough to acknowledge one another. Don’t wait, go tell someone now that you see them, that they are visible and valuable. That’s a HIT! One Love, One Life, all yours to choose. 

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