Blah blah blah is what I hear when given detailed instructions. Making plans to meet someone somewhere for the first time is painful, especially when directions start pouring out of their mouth. Invariably, I interrupt them, not wanting time wasted on shared information that refuses to enter my stopped up ears. An address is all I need and gps or my own experienced Global Positioning System will be activated to get me there, wherever there happens to be. General Patton suggested “If you tell people where to go, but not how to get there, you’ll be amazed at the results.” I have had a slow dawning of realization and with it came a recent verbalization of what I am and am not with regard to my intelligence. The freedom that flooded me in acknowledging my natural skill sets was a refreshing washing clear of the nonsense of judgement that came when I just couldn’t understand details. I have emotional intelligence, defined as “the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.” I have joked with several of my friends that while they are Mercy, I am Justice. I have a knack for cutting through extraneous emotional nonsense and getting to the heart of matters. I am empathic and feel the pain of others and with this power, I have an extreme capacity that is becoming highly attuned to deception, fraud, masked emotions and sentiments. I am a justice seeker, truth teller, intolerant of being led down the garden path to dead ends. I have desire that burns for what is good, pure and right and I chase this relentlessly to the point of bloodied feet and torn hands as I grasp and attempt to hold it tightly. It is the desperation of the chase that causes a disruption In my judgement, my perceptions…time to listen and learn is essential for course correction. (I give credit for the clarity of my current understanding to having recently finished reading the book Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell). Freedom comes from The Light of Truth and yet, we are sinners, we are wanting in the categories in which God reigns supreme. This is why I cannot rely on little itty bitty me, He is my Grand Daddy GPS. God Personal Saviour. When I listen to Him, the message is never garbled, confused, staticky. His voice is clear and His guidance takes me through unchartered territories with a path opening up before me as I take each faith filled step. His voice becomes my Commanding Officer and I need not chase, run, become bloodied and torn in my persuing. The Truth needs not prove Himself, He is, was and always will be~in saying this, I am set free. I need not prove, explain what I am, am not capable of, I need only joyfully accept, embrace, and celebrate the gifts He chooses to bestow, to the Glory of His Name. Your turn, what are you ready to declare about who you are, what you are naturally good at, what direction you WANT to take guided by your own GPS? One life, One Love, All of it yours to have, go get it.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a