Quarantine~”A state, period, or place of isolation in which people that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed”. A quarantine is protective by nature, preventative in the attempt to contain a known disease from spreading. Epidemic causalities comes to mind when contagions are not taken seriously, dealt with appropriately and in a timely fashion. What about the people who have been closed off, the people who carry potentially life threatening disease, the ones who are at risk of early death themselves? What dangers were they exposed to, putting their lives precariously in the hands of fate? Toxins are everywhere and yet, the majority of us live rather care free, healthy lives, never having been separated out from the herd for their protection from our nasty microscopic bugs. I have yet to meet a previously quarantined person and I am grateful for the wellbeing and physical safety I have thus far enjoyed. I am prepping you for an idea I have, of some self directed, protective quarantine like choices that are readily available that may feel life threatening and so foreign as to make you feel like you just don’t belong, that you have put YOURSELF out of the herd. It’s daring, I warn you now…its, it’s, being…alone, by choice. I’m gonna go crazy here, and make another idea known~make being alone a habit, a defined, boxed off, protected from the socially infected dis ease of a world gone mad with imposition and demands on your time, your energy, your life force. Choose to stay healthy and whole by keeping contagions at bay with less exposure. Want to protect your family life? Choose time dedicated to being with them. Want to grow your business? Draw lines of demarcation that cannot be crossed. Want to have a loving partnership with your mate? Be with them and let nothing keep you from them. What do you want more of that you haven’t got the “time” for? What has infected your thinking and kept you from what is truly important to you? Actions always speak louder than words. If you long to be somewhere other than where you are, how can you quarantine yourself, protect what is valuable to you? Be alone first, give yourself the gift of quiet so that you can hear your own voice, speak your longing. Than choose, how do I want my life to look? Who gets in, past the protective doors to the inner chambers of my heart? Will exposure make me/ keep me well, or like a nasty soul infestation, will I be sickened from the exposure? I know, I know, it’s not that simple you say? That’s the fun part, you get to figure out how to get where you want to be, it’s all you my friend, you are capable and wise.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a