Linda Grace Byers

Half That

Christian Inspiration

Half That. I read an article years ago that stated we consume 50% more calories than we think we do in a day. For those of us who have tried to lose or maintain a certain weight, the suggestion of count your calories is familiar as a dietary tool. The purpose of this becomes evident when food is considered for consumption and then the decision is made, worth it or not worth it? The ultimate goal is awareness, being on task with an established goal requires attention to the details, in this case, every little calorie and all the little friends it hangs out with that want to make your butt or belly their new home. So, here’s my logic, if we consume 50% more than we think we do and we want to lose some weight (we are in this together now), than one easy way to do this is to half that, that’s right, fill your bowl with pasta & your moms meat sauce (mine is cooking right now), and than be bold and brave, put half of that back in the pan from whenst it came! How much do you need? Half that is the answer. Maybe half THAT is the next answer in the que. Half that may mean a whole new you, where else can YOU use Half That? To be more direct here, what you need and what you want may be two different things and unawareness can lead you down the path of never never get there land. What do YOU want, figure it out and let someone know, accountability is a beautiful thing. 

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Linda Grace Byers

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