A splinter in your eye, a thorn in your side…a vexation to your spirit. What vexes your spirit? I am in a state of admiration for the clients I have the privilege of working with, the brave souls that almost willingly bear and bare all for the sake of the people in their lives, the relationships that are valuable to them. I say almost willingly because when a coaching relationship starts, clients aren’t too sure of what is in store for them. Coaching is uniquely wonderful and when client and coach are magnetically drawn to work together, everything is possible. It is in relationship that trust and truth are mutually shared and in this environment, vulnerability and soul exposure become glorious expressions with sunrises and settings…there is newness in the learning and a putting to bed of the old ways. Seeing wonder and hope in the eyes of another is one of the greatest gifts available to mankind, it speaks to renewal and the shedding of old dust coated clothes. Getting help is a character statement~clients want for themselves and are willing to do the hard and sometimes painful work of looking firstly at themselves and then out into the world. Who am I is the question? What do I want, believe? What is most important to me? How will I show the world who I am? Ask yourself these questions, they are the ones that are rarely asked and when they are asked, the deep soul searching begins. Staying the course to being who you say you are is the work after the work…digging into the ground, uprooting rocks and trees and roots, these are the splinter in the eye, the thorn in the side. Pouring the concrete for your foundation, that is the who I am part of your structure. Building the frame and walls, these are your protection from the elements, the outside influences that threaten to change the you you have discovered. The inside of the house, the haven, where many or few are invited in to see who you are, this is where what is most important to you shows up. What kind of house have you built? How have you decorated it? Who is welcome there? What does your house say about who you are? Can it (you) be blown over with one hardy puff? Is your structure, your character sound?
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a