To Be or not to Be, that is the question…Shakespeare. Here in lies the huge question of our being, our existence. Sometimes being in this world is painful, a challenge, a struggle. Being can also be a joy, a delight, a glorious expression of aliveness. Perhaps you identify with all of the above with a penchant, a leaning in one direction or the other? The way I am writing this, it’s an either or and I ask that you consider which perspective you are most inclined toward~struggling in this life or experiencing joy. Simplistic, yes, and the question is how do you “be” whilst you still “are”? My aim is not to limit human expression, I am targeting YOU, asking that you self assess and ask what is my view, from inside this shell, this soul that is housed in the vehicle of my body? I recall hearing these phrases growing up: born to suffer; born alone, die alone. I laugh at writing these phrases, a sardonic reaction to the messages in the phrases. Being cynical is a harsh reality, one born from pain and suffering~it is a tainted view that can colour a personality, relationships, a life. It is also a chosen perspective, to see life and relationship this way, a self defence mechanism gone haywire. To die alone means that you also lived, alone, separated from other, isolated unto yourself. If you were to die today, what word would people use to describe your departing? Who would people say you were, what life meant to you, what your gift to the world was? When remembered, would it be fondly or with unresolved troubled mixed emotions? Were you a struggler or joyful? Pain is a transformative gift and we all must experience it, I’m grateful for every pain filled aware moment in my life, it helps me appreciate pain freeness and resultant joy extravagantly. It’s like going to the osteopath with a stiff neck and not realizing how painful it was until I’m in my car backing out of my space and realizing I can turn my head, pain free, woohoo! Now, here we get to the point, the tough spot, the choice part of all this nonsense. How much of miserable and or joy are YOU responsible for? How much struggling in life can be attributed to your own inner messaging system? Were you born to suffer, is that your modus operandi? Do you complain far more than celebrate? Come on, you know the answer, what is your inclination? Grin, I hope you choose joy, celebration, LIFE, celebrating all the special little offerings, small yet to be unwrapped gifts that surround you. Do your own soul a favour, get an adjustment if misery and difficulty with resultant struggling are the only tunes played in your head and heart, invest in a new tune and listen as life begins to play a melody, right before your very ears.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a