Linda Grace Byers

I Might As Wells

Christian Inspiration

I might as well…have you ever said these words, like a nonchalant word shrug attached to some form of self indulgence? You want an example you say? The might as wells go something like this as it pertains to food or drink, of the alcoholic variety: I’m on vacation, I might as well; its a holiday, I might as well; we have company, I might as well; I’m bored, sad, mad, I might as well; lastly, I’m already too far gone, fat, miserable and beyond hope, I might as well. Wait, yes, wait…who teaches just wait? I remember reading about fitness results and bench marks. Three months of consistency with workouts and healthful eating shows up at this point and results are visible, measurable, appreciable. At six months, changes are undeniable. One workout added to many workouts is transformative. The incremental changes are significant and the payoff for persistence can change health status and ultimately, longevity. The same is true with every indulgent shoulder shrug of I might as well…over time, the changes are visible, measurable, undeniably evident. Evidence is representative of habit and cannot be hidden, at least, not for too long. So, at this point there is a directional challenge. Hitting the mark is impossible without an established target, the challenge is finding the target and determining what a bullseye looks like. Once this is established, the how to parts of aiming can begin. I used fitness as an example and you get to choose your own target. You can’t get there without knowing where there is…I learned this question technique today from two great friends who learned it from a pro~what’s up, so what, what now? Don’t let the might as wells determine your direction, you get to choose what, when where with whom and how, it’s your life.

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