Linda Grace Byers


Christian Inspiration

Contrite~this word is an adjective that describes the feeling or expression of remorse at the recognition that one has done wrong. I love this word and it takes me back in time…to Catholism. Catholic-meaning according to the whole or colloquially, universal. When I was a kid, I remember hearing about prayers and acts of contrition. I also remember hearing the phrase shame on you…Catholic and Catholism have changed over the years, with their meanings and definitions adapting to those who employ the words. Catholic guilt is an old and oft joked about human condition, I say this tongue in cheek because for many of those raised as Catholics, guilt presents almost as an affliction. Thus there needs be separation between church and soul and actively seeking Christ rather than religion. I joke that I gave up Catholism for Christianity~one is robotically rote while the other holds forth the promise of a living Saviour by my side and more often in front of me, leading The Way. Many believe in multiple ways to God~Biblically speaking, there is One that shows us The Way to the Father, and He said “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” If you don’t believe in the bible, this will be nonsensical to you, perhaps rediculous and exclusionary. Don’t shoot the messenger, I believe and I speak, you get to choose what you believe and speak. Back to contrite~I learned at a young age about God, that He is omnipresent, omnipotent and that He disciplines His children, as any good parent would, to keep them from harming themselves and others. I am grateful for my conscience and even perhaps some of the shame I felt for choices I had made, they helped me look at what I was feeling, thinking and doing and whether or not I needed to cut those things out for my own souls wellbeing. I am grateful for being taught at a young age that I am guilty, accountable and it is up to me to pray prayers of contrition, speak words of regret and remorse, in other words, ask for forgiveness. Sin is a foreign word in this society, no one wants the label sinner and few want to be told the Truth, be held accountable. Contrition, what a wonderful concept, maybe we can bring it back into vogue? Who’s with me?

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Linda Grace Byers

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