Linda Grace Byers

Accident That Didn’t Happen

Christian Inspiration

I’m behind a city truck and it has recently dug up chunks of concrete strewn and untethered in its cargo area. I recall being in a court room for law class in grade twelve~a truck had untethered steel poles, the driver slammed on the brakes and one of the poles flew through the windshield of the car inbehind and impaled a little girl~she miraculously survived despite the pole going through one of her eye sockets. I have been wary of trucks with loose objects ever since. Now back to my truck story. I’m behind this truck, cautiously following and looking for the first chance to distance myself from it, believing it to be dangerous. There is a slow motion feeling to the whole experience and now we are travelling at almost parallel, with him slightly leading. Suddenly, a pick up truck appears and turns left in front of me. I slam on the brakes, turn my wheel to the right and honk my horn simultaneously, stunned and shocked that he made this turn and that I didn’t hit him. He realizes his error and drives at a snails pace (if snails could drive of course) and pulls into the first available resting place, I too, turn into a nearby spot. My hands on the wheel, I glance in his direction, he tentatively lifts an arm and waves, a quiet gesture of oh my, are you ok? I wave back, realize nothing more needs to be exchanged and I back up and drive home. I am so grateful! I am not sure how many times I have prayed my thanks to God when I have narrowly missed hitting a biker, pedestrians or even taken a huge chance by cutting into traffic when waiting would have been prudent~escaping harm and injury for myself and other. If you drive, you know what I am speaking about. How many times have you, have I, been spared without ever being aware of the near perhaps life altering/threatening hit(s)? Today I live to tell the story, thank you God, for this day. 

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