Linda Grace Byers

Do It Now

Christian Inspiration

Thinking will not overcome fear but action will~A quote from W. Clement Stone. This guy was pretty wise and captured truth in his sayings. Action is an outbound expression of inner desire~Linda G Byers. I like the suggestion I read about that Stone made when he was facilitating a conference. Do it now, said fifty times before going to sleep and fifty times before getting out of bed. I have been using do it now to increase my urgency to get moving, be more productive. Instead of having regret, I have motivation to do it, whatever it is, now. This do it now message is embedding itself into my pysche and somehow, wasting time isn’t as convenient or easy anymore. On the days I have forgotten to say my do it now’s, I have caught myself whilst in the midst of putting important things off and quickly said my mantra, releasing in me the desire to accomplish what I said I wanted to. This brings me to a hard truth…when I do it now, it gets done, all of “it”, including the not so exciting and often mundane and yet necessary to function items on my to do list. Do it now means forgoing the ease and comfort of procrastination and procrastinations ugly twin, the lie of later as the carrot that dangles ever present in a guilty conscience. The battle of inclinations rages on, as in get it done or procrastinate, the first option feels much better than the second in the long run, with the added bonus of character development and ultimately, in the eyes of others, a reputation for fearless action. Dare to dream, yes, dare to act, YES…Do it now is a yes every time desire becomes an outbound expression through action. What are YOU waiting for, do it NOW!

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