Linda Grace Byers

Do it NOW

Christian Inspiration

When does someone else will do it become I will do it? I find myself in a position of seeing, feeling and knowing that if change is afoot, I am asked somehow to be a part of said change. This is how it all works. If I lived near whales and I saw that the waters they thrive in become polluted, my heart would be inclined to proactive measures, to join in protecting these massive wave makers from what might hurt or kill them. Likewise, if I see something potentially slippery on the floor of the grocery store, I am inclined to pick it up or move it out of the way so that unsuspecting shoppers do not fall prey to slipping, falling and making contact with the hard floor below them. What’s in front of me can be a call to action. I remember reading an amazing book called The Bible Code. The stand out question in the book for me is “what will you do to change it?.” The question goes to the heart of how will I respond given the information at hand and ultimately, how will the present and those who live in this present moment be impacted by what I will do or will not do? Doing and not doing is the exact same thing, with different outcomes. It boils down to a matter of burning conscious, of unwavering commitment, of faithful following into the deep waters of the unknown for the sake of being a difference maker, change agent, breather of life into the dead spaces that appear to be without hope or oxygen. Lone Stars travel to the dark places because of their love of humanity~they go in without thought or fear for their own emotional, spiritual, physical protection or condition. Sounds heroic, doesn’t it? I am aspiring to heroism and while I do, it is being modelled for me by the ones who came before that asked of themselves “what will I do to change it?” So I ask you, what is in front of you, calling you to action? When will you be the somebody you are waiting for to come and fix “it”? You were so designed as to be the one, with your own unique abilities and skills to serve others in whatever capacity you are drawn to~these abilities and skills, they are NOT yours to horde, hide and or disengage from, they are meant to be shared, to edify and grow others. Be somebody, do it now, the world can wait no longer. 

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Linda Grace Byers

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