Regret, remorse, repentance. Regret is a hugely wasted sentiment when it changes nothing. When regret leads to remorse and ultimately repentance, it can be a life altering and abundant gift for you, me, and anyone within our gravitational pull. Here’s how it works, I’m going to be extremely bold in my example, going out on a very thin limb, because I am willing to challenge status quo at the risk of alienation…lets go. I have heard my fill of people engaged in affairs, I really have, that’s my topic. Affairs wreak havoc in lives and that is a whole other topic, many books worth of writing are probably available at any given library or book store, that’s not the direction I am taking, it is for others to discuss. I am all about the progression of the soul from awareness of wrong doing, that’s regret, to remorse for having done it, that’s recognizing that I have caused myself and others pain and wish I hadn’t to repentance, meaning I don’t EVER want to hurt anyone like that again. In this beautiful train transfer from one niggling feeling of regret, to full on accountability and acceptance of a character flawed action(s) in remorse to being so sorry, so broken hearted in repentance that I am new, I am so different, that wholeness is possible. What becomes available in this progression is freedom from the tyranny of a haunting past. Mistakes, we all make them and I am not judging the mistakes you have made, the ones I have made. I am saying what now, how will we face them, take responsibility for them and make it better somehow and change so that the future is not a repeat of the past? Being sorry is a big deal, it speaks to conscience and bravery of spirit. It is a very dark place, to have wronged another and keep it hidden away and worse yet, to justify or rationalize the behaviour(s). The Light shines on truth exposed and washes away the pain when we repent. Gods forgiveness is available to all, no matter what the transgression may be. I don’t know what you have done, you do. What I do know is God loves you and like any parent, He wants you to chose well, wisely and when you don’t, He is willing to hear you say you are sorry and lovingly, since He is the God of many chances and much forgiveness, He awaits His child’s return home. Warning, such self awareness may lead to Holiness and Sainthood…and a smaller circle of friends.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a