Linda Grace Byers

Chirp Chirp means I Love You

Christian Inspiration

Male birds are a fascinating bunch who win mates by wooing in many creative and wonderful ways. Some build houses, some flaunt colourful feathers and some collect shiny objects to show their affection and draw the eye of their would be suitors and it is the female that gets to choose, select the one that suits her best. The sweetness of the offering coupled with the agony of antipation for the male must be somewhat torturous as he makes his offering and waits with hope filling his feathered chest. We are not too far removed, are we, from our feathered friends? Lately, I have been offered many shiny objects and as I reflect, I realize they were subtle wordless requests for me to take notice, an invitation to catch a glimpse of the shiny shiny inside the person bestowing a gift. In the offering, there is vulnerability, a desire to share the tender parts that sometimes never see the light of day for fear of injury and rejection. Is this, my offering of a small sparkly stone shaped by water wind and rain into a lopsided heart, enough for you? How about this book that captured my imagination that I want to share with you, will that pull us close, let you know how I feel? What about this blown up picture of a flower bed or the video of nature I am sending, will that touch your soul? What if I work really hard and provide you with creature comforts, will you see my love for you then? I am blessed because the people in my life offer me the best parts of them and the older and wiser I am, the more I recognize the offerings and appreciate the intentions in the giving. There is the giving and the receiving, both are wonder filled. What about you? When you look around, what gifts have you yet to receive, appreciate, be grateful for? Chances are the gifts are wrapped subtly OR, they have been offered to you many times before and you just didn’t notice no matter how shiny, or how loud the offering. Help a heart grow boldly today and accept the gifts of love coming your way. Chirp chirp, that’s bird speak for hey, notice me, I’m right here. 

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