Monday night, torrential rain seeks and finds crevices, cracks, holes, someplace to go with its steady flow. Window wells fill, drains spill and basements turn into indoor swimming pools with personal belongings and furniture afloat, ruined for future use. We are fortunate, we live in houses and have belongings, insurance, a way back to the malls and stores to replace items wanted, not necessarily needed. I have bitterness lodged in my chest wanting to spill acid like out of my throat. Like the rain, I feel the need to rushing river like smash and sweep away the pride that the storm left untouched. My heart burns lava like as I hear stories of neighbours blaming other neighbours after the storm for various and asundry things like dirt in their pools due to landscaping or more flooding in their home because someone else storm sealed their basement after the last diluge…my lip curls over the ingratitude of having been spared in so many countable ways and people chosing blame and loathing toward people who live right next door or just across the street. Reminds me of Noah and the arc, how only a few got to ride the storm in a boat sealed and dry, safety tarred closed to keep water and self indulgent people out and preserve only a few. It is in times of trouble that character makes itself know. If you haven’t taken a moment today to be grateful, might I suggest you take the time now? Thank Heaven, Thank God, thank SOMETHING OR SOMEONE for what you have, who you have, this life you live. People matter, things mean very little when life hangs in the balance, when relationship is threatened and tarnished. Check your heart today and if you detect black mold growing there, try gratitude, it can cure whatever ails you.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a