Linda Grace Byers


Christian Inspiration

“Stockholm Syndrome, or capture bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with the captors”. This phenomena has me thinking about survival and the bonding of those who have experienced captivity together and along those lines, the false perception of an eternal connection. Let’s say I witness your terror, your utter fear of maiming, mutilation and perhaps torturous death. You too, see me petrified and in dire emotional, psychosocial and perhaps even somatic pain. We are in this together and it is real or at least, the perceived threat seems so real as to make us cling to one another for comfort, encouragement, reassurance that I am here for you, you are here for me. The bond through suffering has been established and the vulnerability of being seen at my worst, your worst, and in our bravest most courageous moments, further strengthens the united we stand, divined we fall sentiments. Time, it is the truth teller in this story. Connection is not a forced or conveniently constructed from circumstance union. Union, connection, these are gifts of the spirit, born from affinity and there is always the instant knowing. Shy away and chances are you haven’t an affinity with another, draw near and something is pulling you there. Magnetic, love is a form of affinity and the pull is irresistible. The captors? They are the set up guys, the master manipulators and cannot weild power without the consent of the hostage. Clarity comes with distance and time as truth teller reveals all. As always, we are responsible, accountable for our affiliations and choices. Freedom is the power to choose. 

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Linda Grace Byers

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