Linda Grace Byers

Temptation & Dope(amine)

Christian Inspiration

Oh sweet temptation, you take me down the garden path of sultry savoury promises and beckon me, come, satisfy your longings, your cravings for the deliciousness that awaits you. Close your eyes, open your senses to the velvety, the sensual, the sumptuous. Follow me there, where every fibre of your being will delight. Listen and feel the pulsating with anticipation, await an awakening and satisfying of curiosity. Sounds exciting does it not? The lure to pleasure is ever present and captures the imagination, the attention. Need a fix, a physiopyscho dopamine hit, perhaps a little excitement in the form of giving in to temptation is your answer and, yes, OF COURSE IT IS. Dopamine is like a one hit wonder, giving the sensation of a physical mental reward, a feel good neurotransmitter, a natural high and when it kicks in, the I want more cravings also kick in and rev up the system. Give in to temptation, cravings, longings, and in no time, you are addicted to dope(amine). This one hit wonder natural drug is lawless, self indulgent, relationally expensive, destructive and has no foresight, no need for future or fortune telling, it is wanton and devours. You and I, we know what tempts us, what draws our eye, perks our ears, has us fantasizing. To be tempted is human and when I have given in to temptation, to the dopamine hit that is readily available to reward me for my indulgence, when you have said yes and received the same, the pleasure is always temporary, a short lived flash of quickly extinguished sparkler light~what’s left, you ask? A hankering, a lust for more remains as a torment, a go get another fix never ending cycle of want and hit, want and hit. The trap is set, it is the bottomless pit and it cares not for its victims, the ones who fall in, in fact the pit is forever hungry, never sated. Temptation is a part of the human condition, that will never change. Another part of being human is having choice and as I write, the sun is shining in on these words…let your choices be ones that serve, that savour love, relationship, healing, hope, generosity, kindness…joy is the true mark of a soul set free, may you have much joy. 

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