Help I’m drowning in a sea of I don’t know what to do. I wrote this to a friend after repeated attempts to schedule a meeting for five, using the technology available to us, as in group texts and emails. I have to laugh because I know beyond knowing that there is nothing in the world quite like seeing someone/many someone’s, face to face and navigating scheduling and bigger than this, just plain old navigating. Some creative timetable genius has their pulse on the how to scheduling situation and I’m ok with saying, it ain’t me. I’m using scheduling as an intro into something big and its I don’t know what to do, ever been there? I think this is a big grotesque lie, because I actually DO know what to do, it’s whether or not I follow through that’s in question. Give you a for instance, you ask? Ok well let’s say I am confused about something someone has said or done, or perhaps, I find myself muddled by my own words or actions. There are several routes I can take to the road of clarity and yet, I find I am inclined to distraction, forms of procrastination taking me off the path to discovery and into the deep jungle of thought vines with slithery boa constrictor waiting to smother me, squeeze the oxygen out of my lungs and prevent fresh air transfer to a heart and brain that could take me outta this mess. Oh yes, when I confidently look here there and yonder for answers I know I’m a lost soul and it is I, the would be problem solver with broken compass that keeps me travelling in circles. How long must I wander before I detangle you ask? Not long at all, because I have the very best resource available and it is available to one and all, that’s right, you guessed it, THE BIBLE, ha, look no more truth seeker, soul enlarger, confusion killer, all the answers and more can be found in one book, a best seller for all eternity. I do know what to do, Seek yea first the Kingdom of Heaven and all else will be added to you…today I travel with God as my compass.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a