Love cannot be stolen or bought, it is forever and always, graciously bestowed. How loveable am I, how loveable are you? On any given day and at any moment of said day, I can be many things and at times innumerable, loveable isn’t one of them. I admit it, the truth is, I have said the words and I quote “I’m even irritating myself”. The wonder to me is how God can stand us at all, I mean really, the things we say, do, how we treat ourselves and one another, I’m surprised he hasn’t snuffed us out by now. If a human was in charge of the power plug and control panel for the universe (and history reveals that this is in our nature) we would all be goners with hate, greed and selfishness leading the way (don’t look too far back in history now, these ways of being are evident, alive and well as I type). Intolerance abounds and yet, and yet, love refuses to give ground to the evil would be concurrer. I have friends that have the gift of mercy, their love for others sees no limits and the humans in their lives are always precious, even when behaviours and words would suggest that love is misplaced. While I aspire to the graciousness of this love, I am a voice for the innocent, those who are not present and cannot speak for themselves. I am advocate, fighter for what is good and true and right and if I were truly brave, I would be like John the Baptist, woman in the wilderness beseeching “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near”. We hurt God when we hurt ourselves and when the innocent, the naive, the vulnerable are wounded, it is grievous to God~what if it was grievous to us? God is patient, kind, merciful, gracious and faithful. I know some people who have His loving heart and they help me keep mine soft and malleable. The many make the whole and I am grateful for gracious love in all its human forms.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a