Linda Grace Byers

Christian Inspiration

Quiet…let’s not speak, let us ponder. There is a pond I love to visit and as I approached the grassy hill above the pond this morning, I was stunned and stopped in my tracks by the presence of Canadian geese and their adorable well guarded fluffy new to the world offspring. The sight brought me to tears and reminded me of new beginnings, unawareness of danger in youth and the gift of watchful adult eyes over precious and pure innocence for the naive and uninitiated. The babies got to feed, drop down on the grass and rest at will and follow when led to water to slake their thirst. Somewhere between fluffy and fully grown adult, geese discover danger and learn ways to protect themselves and eventually, their young. Hissing is a warning to any one, including other geese, that nothing good will come from an unwelcome approach. Sweet nature, what a brilliant teacher you are. I stood very close to the geese, in fact I stepped aside to allow clearance for a return to the pond for a family of eight. I clearly, am not a threat. The geese reminded me of the natural rhythm of life, the natural instincts we have and that when perceiving is based on the senses, action naturally follows with healthy outcomes. An example, you ask? Sure, and let’s be direct here because this is about YOU…you know what you want, you have known for a very long time and you are afraid and a voice inside hisses no, not now, maybe someday and your fear hisses some more, how about nevvvvvvvverrrrrr. Never get fit, never speak the truth, never leave that job, never set boundaries, never say no to being mistreated…never never land…never write that book, deliver that speech, run that workshop, take over the world with love, ok that last part, it was about me. Which brings me back to you and me, let’s be about our business, shall we? Time is short between fluffy and fully grown, time is short between fully grown and the grave. One day, my Maker will ask, what did you do with the talents I gave you, did you fritter them away in fear or did you do as I asked? He already knows the answer, the request will be about me accounting for the life I lived and my hope, my prayer, is that He will say “Well done good and faithful servant”, sigh, that is my prayer. My prayer includes you, stranger near and far, friend of long ago. We all came from the same place, let’s return home together, shall when? Fear, I banish you this day, in the name of Christ. 

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Linda Grace Byers

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