Linda Grace Byers

Good Enough for Me

Christian Inspiration

Striving has its place, it’s youthful eagerness and wanton desire. Age is not a requirement for this wantonness, it would appear available to one and all, those that need to know, make something happen, move things forward, force or even strong arm a way, an opinion, another. I understand this because I have lived there and have recently changed residency, hopefully permanently. The future is not mine, the details are none of my business and quite frankly, they are beyond my control. Does this mean I am without choice, say, determination, absolutely not. I have inadvertently surroundered myself with mystically brilliant quiet observers of the world, who see much and say little, unless of course, someone is willing to listen, and given there is trust established in relationship. Not to be underestimated, these wise whispers have knowledge to empart and lately, I have been wondering what I have been missing out on, I mean seriously, what amazing glimpses of brilliance have I completely ridden rough shod over in my striving? When I look closely at the ones I speak of, they have nothing to prove, and yet somehow, boulders are moved and people do their bidding and I am mesmerized by the understated. All in good time, a quiet voice has assured me and the calm it affords me has me slowing down, striving thoughts feel like heavy lifting and with this new way, the future feels like a minute by minute unfolding and I just don’t need to know what’s next, how it all happens or even the why, I get to be in it all and trust that all is as clock work, moving as it is meant to, slowly and steadily with some sauvering of what is happening, added to the mix. Now is good, and again, right now is good enough for me. 

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