Linda Grace Byers

Heart vs Mind

Christian Inspiration

Blinded by the light. Today I encountered such human brilliance that I have been stunned by it in the afterglow. Like a deer in the headlights, I am transfixed. The only explanation for me still being on earth is the pull of gravity. Thankfully, I am not a helium filled balloon being carried up up and away into the stratosphere. What I know is this: great minds are logical, pragmatic, deductive in reasoning; huge hearts are sensitive, generous, fiercely passionate. These are NOT mutually exclusive representations of brilliance and yet, I witnessed this split today, this separation and severing, as though mind and heart cannot live in accord, cannot abide one another in the same living being. Boom boom, boom boom, the heart wants what the heart wants and no matter what the mind suggests, in time, the heart gets louder and louder until it screams LISTEN TO ME or I swear, I will BREAK. I close my eyes and I see the longing, the desire of the heart in eyes that glisten with unshed tears, pain surfacing and yet to be felt deeply enough to allow the dam to break. The heart, it has a language all its own, it is a built in truth detector and it cannot be tricked. Reconciliation, mediatation, ombudsmanship…this is what needs happen inside the being of each human when mind and heart have seemingly irreconcilable differences. A house divided against itself cannot stand…listen, your heart has a message for you, the message could save your life.

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