Linda Grace Byers

Crazy Glue Committed~Brian Alexander

Christian Inspiration

Good things come to those who wait…to this adage I add, those who stay crazy glue committed, have a can do attitude, preservere when facing a tidal wave of opposition that threatens to sweep them into an undercurrent, those that endure, keeping their eye on the prize, whatever that might be. My friend the brilliant, unstoppable Brian Alexander is like this, he is to be watched, admired, emulated. He has this way of listening, speaking with meaning, few words followed by silence to communicate much~this can be rather disconcerting, especially for the many for whom quiet is a foreign concept, a yet to be experienced state of being. He has presence minus performance. He speaks truth in an understated way that requires no convincing on the part of the listener, in other words, he speaks, I listen, edification becomes the golden ticket in the shared relationship, heart to heart intimacy a wonderful elemental bonding agent. Yeah, I am a huge cheerleader for Brian, he is one of my all time favourite friends. In a world of lemurs, Brian is a stand out leader who is willing to be taught, teach, receive, give…he is all the good stuff wrapped up in one gorgeous display of humanity. I celebrate you in this writing baby bro, your patience is paying off~I have witnessed with joy in my heart as your dreams are coming true. You inspire me, I love you, your big sis, Linda. 

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Linda Grace Byers

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