Linda Grace Byers

John Purdy

Christian Inspiration

Soul Mending, it is the work of many, recognized by the discerning few. Have you every received a gift so thoughtful that you thought you might weep until you melt, puddled on the ground? Have you every received a gift so pure, so heart felt, that you thought yours might bust wide open with shear joy over being considered valuable and precious, so much so that someone, perhaps many, go out of their way to let you know that you matter, you count, you are important to them? Today I weep with gratitude for those that sacrifice, risk ridicule and persecution because their desire to serve someone else’s very soul is so astoundingly strong that they feel compelled, impassioned to act, to show kindness, to give generously. Today I weep, stop and start again, for the displays of love that I received, words of encouragement and acknowledgement and and, one very beautiful picture of pretty pink flowers, a true flower bed in an Amish garden, with bed frame and night stands and doilies and vases and more flowers, resting on a well kept green lawn with wild flowers in the distance, more shades of pink…nestled inside the bed and at its foot are dolls, reminding me how precious it is to see the world through the eyes of a child…I am Gods daughter and a man named John  Purdy has reminded me of my fathers love, the One that created me and the one that was my earthly father, gone 15 fast years ago this May…he too, was named John. Thank You Papa John, thank you for reminding me that I am precious and special. I picture my father in Our Fathers House, Gods Kingdom, watching and grinning, wiping away a tear as he witnesses my tears of joy mixed with sorrow over missing him and appreciating you, John Purdy. I was adopted into Gods family through Christ, wonderfully for me, I am meeting my family here on earth…much deep and abiding love to you John Purdy, Linda Grace.

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