Room 119. A friend of mine and I have a running joke about room 119. A group of us were staying at a hotel and my room number was 119. My roomie and I had a visitor and the three of us were lying on the bed, laughing and joking around. My friend entered the room and we of course, made room for her on the bed. The hilarity continued and my friend said “oh thank God I finally came to room 119”. She had left her room and the conversation her roomie was having with someone visiting them and she had made her escape to my room and the fun that welcomed her in. Room 119 quickly became a metaphor for her life and she could see how she had stayed in rooms foreboding, heavy, besieged at times with unnecessary yuck…whether a room in the mind, the cellar of the soul or a dark chamber of the heart, traps can be challenging to recognize, let alone extricate oneself from. Room 119 representatives joy to her and the juxadpoxtion of what she had come from to where she arrived and stayed made a world of difference. Stay, or go, endure or enjoy, your choice is always your choice. What is your room 119? If you haven’t discovered it yet, perhaps you need to listen for the laughter, eye spy with your little eye the invitation to play and have fun, and go on a treasure hunt for your very own room 119. This is dedicated to…you know who you are…
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a