Linda Grace Byers


Christian Inspiration

Fear: F-alse E-vidence A-ppearing R-eal.

The dream their is a liar

There is a spirit that roams the earth looking for victims to assail in the night, sleepy bodies and minds closing down for rest are subject to the most vile of attacks. I have nightmares and I always have, my deepest darkest fears come to life in dream land and I have woken in terror suddenly, as though plucked from the dream with a that is enough feeling. Before you feel too sorry for me, I have also woken in full laughter, delighted and wanting to go back in for more dreamy entertainment. Our dreams are crazy enactments of life, a wonky sideways glance of what appears real and really, isn’t.

Taking courage promises unknowable rewards

What if life is like this wonky sideways world, with fears being the crazy things that stop us, pluck us from a beautiful reality that is waiting to be enjoyed and lived into? We all have them, fears I mean, don’t we? We know it, what are we to do with it?

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).

This reassurance is ours to claim and to hold as truth, with mighty surges of courage as evidence that fear can be and is, overcome each and every day of our lives, enlivened when we follow the urge that pulls us toward bravely going where we have not gone before. Where fear threatens to destroy, taking courage promises unknowable rewards yet to be claimed and bestowed. The spirit that roams is a dream thief, a liar that has been given much to much authorship, writing the story of many lives in ugly black heavy hearted smudged ink. God has given a spirit of power, love, sound mind: I claim these as my own, why wouldn’t I?

The Power of Love, a Force from above, a sky scraping Dove. Take what is freely offered to you by God Almighty in this one life you get to live, no one can claim it for you.

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